IV Drip Bar

Dehydrated? We have an IV for that. Need an immunity boost? We have an IV for that. Suffer from Migraines? We have an IV for that.
Lacking Energy? We have an IV for that. Athletic recovery? We have an IV for that. Hangover, Jet Lag, etc. We have an IV for that.
You get the point. Whatever ailment, we have a natural solution that will leave you feeling infused in no time.


Hydration Infusion

Hydration helps with rapid and efficient hydration, replenishing of fluids and nutrient loss due to dehydration.

-Benefits include: Quicker recovery time, improved energy levels, and overall well-being.


Immunity Infusion

Immunity is great for those who have a low immune system or can't fight off a sickness.

-Benefits Include: Stronger immune system, more energy, less inflammation, better overall health.


Recovery Infusion

Recovery is good for those who are athletic, active, or people who are always on the go.

-Benefits Include: Accelerated recovery, reduced muscle soreness, increased energy, improved mental clarity, and overall well being.


Migraine Infusion

Our Migraine infusion is great for those who suffer with migraines or severe headaches.

-Benefits include: Quick pain and nausea relief, muscle relaxation, brain support, and fast recovery.


Energy Infusion

Energy infusions are perfect for those who are moms, busy bodies, workaholics, or overall tired people.

-Benefits include: Increased energy, improved immune function, enhanced mental clarity, quick nutrient absorption, and overall well-being.


Hangover Infusion

Hangover infusions are great for alcohol hangover, jet lag, or feeling hungover from no sleep.

-Benefits include: Pain relief, nausea relief, energy boost, rehydration, and a faster recovery.


The Meyer's Cocktail infusion

The Meyer's Cocktail infusion is very popular it is designed to boost overall health and wellness.

-Benefits include: Increased energy, improved immune support, enhanced mental clarity, muscle relaxation, bone health, and overall well-being.


NAD + Infusion

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a natural coenzyme found in every cell in your body. As you get older the amount of NAD+ in your body decreases. It is important to have it because it creates cellular energy and is good for maintaining your cellular health.

-Benefits include: More energy, assistance in weight management, reduced inflammation, improving cognitive function, overall well-being.



-Vitamin C

-Magnesium Chloride


-Calcium Gluconate

-Vitamin B12


-B Complex Vitamins